February 13, 2024

Shaping the Future of Tech-Enabled Hospitality

By Evli Growth Partners
Juuso Koskinen
Associate Partner
The hospitality industry stands on the brink of a transformative era - we are thrilled to lead the €40 million Series B funding round for Bob W. Together with us we excited to be joined by some of the iconical entrepreneurs of our region including Taavet Hinrikus, Sten Tamkivi, Mikko Kodisoja, and our own Growth Partner, Mikael Hed.

Why We're Backing Bob W: Exceptional team with strong execution

We've been tracking the hospitality sector and it's clear there's a gap for innovation. Travelers are done with the unpredictability of Airbnb and the cookie-cutter approach of hotels. That’s where Bob W steps in, merging the comfort of home with the perks of hotel luxury - i.e. giving the Best of Both Worlds to next generation of travelers.

Getting to know Niko, Sebastian, and the rest of the Bob W team over the years has given us a front-row seat to their drive and leadership. When the chance to invest came up, we knew already the team would be up to the job. Their track record speaks for itself — with an impressive rollout of 20 new properties in just 2023, and expansion into 10 countries and 17 cities. They're not just expanding; they're redefining hospitality for today’s traveler.

Bob W in Østerbro, Copenhagen

Sustainability and Innovation: The Backbone of Bob W

We're not just looking to invest; we're looking to invest in companies that are paving the way for a sustainable future. That's why we see Bob W as more than just a smart choice. Sustainable operations aren't a box-ticking exercise for Bob W – it’s their modus operandi. From the ground up, the way they construct their spaces and manage their day-to-day operations reflects a deep-seated commitment to being green.

In addition, Bob W nails what travelers are searching for: stays that are personal, high-quality, and effortlessly enjoyable. Their use of technology streamlines the entire experience, ensuring that guests aren’t bogged down by the usual travel hassles, while managing to keep things feeling very human (say hello to your host, Bob!). It’s this balance of rapid growth with the right kind of growth that has us excited. We’re here to back Bob W as they scale new heights in tech-savvy, eco-conscious hospitality.

The ultimate proof comes from the guests: They are completely in love with what Bob W is doing, making it clear why they’ve become Europe's top pick in hospitality. We’re thrilled to be part of their journey as they redefine what staying away from home means, stay after stay.

We can't wait to see what's next for Bob W and are really proud to be partnering with one of the most beautiful companies in Europe as they continue expanding!

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