November 29, 2021

From startups to scaleups - say hi to Pauliina!

By Evli Growth Partners
Pauliina Sinnemaa
Investment Manager
Pauliina is well-known for her excellent job as Head of Program at Kiuas -accelerator. She has helped close to a hundred startups from idea to first revenue… and beyond. Now she takes personally and professionally a step further by joining Evli Growth Partners. She is hoping to see many of these Kiuas companies again in her new position.

Two weeks ago, we told you about Juuso coming onboard. Now, we are excited to let you know that he isn’t the only one joining the investment team. Pauliina Lämsä further strengthens the team, and here’s who she is.

The team at Evli Growth Partners is welcoming Pauliina with open arms. She starts as an Investment Manager, taking responsibility for sourcing new investments, working with the portfolio companies, and making sure EGP is on everyone’s mind when the words Series A or B are whispered in Europe. She is a true people person and go-getter at heart, so you will surely meet her wherever you think VC investors should be present.

Pauliina has experienced the startup scene from multiple perspectives. From having led the legal work at the fintech startup MONI to matching private investors with growth companies at Springvest, she is familiar with both the reality of the growth company as well as the requirements of investors.

Pauliina was an obvious choice to strengthen our investment team. She is smart, she is quick, and she is hard working. And very curious. All these personal characters make her a great ambitious growth investor. Warmly welcome to the team! – Riku Asikainen, Managing Partner

As said earlier, previously Pauliina ran Finland’s top accelerator Kiuas. During her time there, she gained an extensive network of founders, investors, and other startup ecosystem players. Pauliina is fearless in her ability to get things done, think big, and infect the same qualities to those around her. These characteristics were a huge benefit for the founders that took part in the accelerator programs.

I am lucky to be in a position where I can call myself as a member of an entrepreneurial team at EGP. I have been surrounded by early-stage founders during the past years and now I am eager to dig deeper into the growth scene and teams that have developed their companies a bit further. I am looking forward to seeing Kiuas teams within EGPs deal flow in the near future. There’s a lot of momentum in venture capital at present and it is very exciting. EGP has already shown its competence and potential and I am thrilled to find the next superstar founders together with the rest of the EGP team.

In her free time, Pauliina loves to be active. She is an avid lover of the sea in the summer and snow in the winter. Surrounded by four brothers and having been a competitive cross-country horseback rider, she has bravely taken on challenges and loves trying out new things. Just last year she got her hunting license and ever since, has been passionate about learning the secrets of hunting. Those already familiar with Pauliina know that she will call you from the cabin, the boat, or the hilltop. She also highly values spending time with her family and friends.

Pauliina loves to meet new people and entrepreneurs – to her, there is absolutely no barrier to getting in touch. Reach out at pauliina.lamsa@evli.com or +358 40 8671433.

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